TILO-3z -
head light
thermal imaging camera
Small review:
Welcome interested readers...
I normally never do a review because most of the items in here has fine reviews and youtube videos. So bear with me since its been awhile i wrote so much...
However I know this item is so new that I am one of those few out there who got my hands on it...
First of all I don't work for the manufacture nor do I get any payment to make this review...
I am just a ordinary person who wants to try it out.
The first picture you can see, is the small case in the middle, which will come if you ordered your TILO-3Z without the mounts

The Head mount (item #: 380202) and the Helmet mount (item #: 380203) is optional and will cost extra... it will cost about 78 euro each included with the German VAT.
Here are some pictures of the Head mount which is light and comfy... Its good option if you don't want to walk around with a helmet.
The Head mount works like the helmet mount which u can twist the unit away from the eye or tuck it up...

This will be the helmet mount, which is also very light. It has to be mounted on the edge of the helmet, so no need for drilling new holes.
As you can see you will be able to run with your NV too since the shroud is unused and you can easily twist the TILO-3Z to the side and continue your mission with the NV.

Thermals are the best spotter but when it comes to CQB, then its NV all the way.
Its easy and faster to aim with the weapon mounted IR laser...
Unfortunately there is no thermals that can see what the weapon mounted IR laser are aiming.
We have wasted enough time... now let's talk about the TILO-3Z...
Well first of all... when i got the package from UPS, i thought this couldn't be the package from "Andres Industries AG" cause it was so light...
However it was all there... and man its light weight...
I have over there years tried many thermals and normally they are bigger weighs more...
I must admit that this is the first time ever i have held a super light weight thermal...
Here is some pictures from all the angles...

On this picture you can read and see which button does what from the manual... I have added a link for a bigger picture here:
Here is the pictures for adding that small bracket to work with the helmet/head mount...
If you don't attach it on then you can't attach the TILO-3Z on the mounts...
It's made out of plastic and holds down with 3 metal screws.

To be honest I would have preferred it is made out of aluminium and the mounting base too...
By experience with Murphy's law then light objects meets hard objects then the light looses...
I am more concern when the unit is tucked up on the helmet and you enter a room by bumpen into the door frame or a tree branch...
But I am sure they have made plenty of test against Murphy's law, so lets wish for the best.
First of all I wanted to show all the different pallets/Filters that the TILO-3Z has... The cat is only few feets away.
It has 10 different color options.

The next picture below is the parking lot where I will try to show you how the digital zooms works.
The units lowest zoom is 0.8x (i quote, for a better overview), then its 1x, 2x, 4x and 8x.

I decided to go with BLACK is hot filter, which came out best on my phone camera...

The TILO-3z comes with 2 different VIS light source and a IR LED... It comes with White LED light (max output 160 lumens) and RED LED light... both has about 3-4 settings brightness... and they can blink, SOS and permanent on.

The IR LED light is only to signal
to your night vision buddies...
It does not improve your thermal vision nor can other thermals user, see the IR light.
BTW... if you have a GoPro- NVG muont, then you can convert your mount onto it and use the shroud on your helmet as pictured below,,,

Here is some updated pictures with a PVS-14 and GoPro Helmet mount:

I will try to make some new pictures wearing the TILO-3Z... Bear with me.
If I am going to be objective and pretend I have never tried those other expensive thermal units...
Then you will be getting a very light unit which can be head/helmet mounted,
which can be used as a helmet light too...
Its one of a kind, for now...
Well that said, then here is some cons...
In my opinion, the price is bit at the wrong side of the scale cause its only 9Hz..
I don't understand why they didn't go with 30 Hz and just kept the 60 Hz for the Mil/LE like they already did...
(9 Hz lags for my liking).
Didn't like that I have to go through all the settings just to go one step back...
I.e. if you want to get it little darker then you have to go through all the brightness to get there... or if you wanted a specific color filter then u have to pass all of them in the order they come in, not very tactical.
I would have loved a menu on screen to choose the settings i wanted, instead of going through all the options...
Talked to them yesterday and they mentioned the newer batch will come with on screen option to choose... they are working on it.
Still not sure how the plastic mount will react to Murphy's laws... time will tell.
As mentioned the price tag is little off since there is other thermal units which preforms better, however compare to the size and those extra gadgets like the flashlights, then there isn't much choice...
I am sure a magnifer for the TILO-3 (which they sell too) will make it preform better
but the 9 Hz will still lag.
Hopefully i didn't hurt any feelings or made you fall asleep...
Stay frosty...